Center for Integrated Research
Complexity science makes it clear that organic life, and human existence, manifest in many different kinds of self-organizing, often self-assembling, complex adaptive systems that evolve and constantly increase in their complexity. Complexity science and information theory also point up how organic life, which is governed by the laws of physics, is fundamentally probabilistic. At the Center for Integrated Research (CIR), we deploy a multi-disciplinary approach to analyze the dynamics of our self-assembling human brain systems and the implications of those dynamics on how we manage the challenges of 21st century life. Our White Papers, educational materials, and other publications seek to help people 1) better understand why they think and act as they do, 2) manage the ever-increasing complexity of modern life, and 3) empower themselves to use their magnificent brains and minds more creatively.
CIR maintains a collaborative working relationship with another R&D organization, Intelligent Ideation, information on which can be found at